Review Period
April 15 - June 30th
Review Period
Stars reviews files in alphabetical order by last name, not on first come, first serve basis. Stars uses the entire period to conduct this process. For example: If your last name begins with an “S” you can expect to hear from us closer to the end of this period. See where we are
You will get an email from us to your primary email when we begin to review your application.
Stars will change status of documents from “Missing” OR “Received – Pending Review” to “Accepted” or “Rejected” or will remain “Missing” if the document was not received.
Stars will extend a courtesy to applicants if a document is “rejected” and allow applicants (2 days from time of notification) to send in the correct document. Correspondence is done via email and statuses can be checked at any time from the applicant’s Stars account.
If you have submitted all required documents and all documents have been “Accepted”, your application is deemed eligible and will be considered during the next selection/award period. We will not accept any new documents after the deadline. If you are missing any documents you will be deemed ineligible.
We encourage you to check your Stars account regularly and to consistently review the updates we provide as we go through the cycle. If you applied and submitted your documents within the deadline and you notice we have reviewed your letter (last name) and your account has not updated, please contact us.
If we get through this period and you are showing a missing document and you feel it is an error, please contact us so we can review your situation.
If you need to make any changes to your application during this period, you will need to submit an Application Update Request Form.