*This document is not required by every applicant.

 This letter is to notify us of any special considerations that need to be made to your enrollment criteria. This is NOT a letter of recommendation.

All undergraduate and graduate students are required to be full time (12 hours for undergraduate and 9 hours for graduate); regardless of the school attended. Exceptions are made to full-time enrollment if applicants are enrolled in clinical rotations, student teaching, internships or a program similar, where the program requires less than full-time enrollment due to additional hours put in to the program outside of class. Upon approval, 6 hours enrollment is the minimum hours accepted in this situation.

In these cases, we will require a letter from your advisor. If full-time status will not be affected, we do not need a letter submitted.

In section 4 of the application, the question is asked “Will you be participating in any program that will affect your full-time status during the Fall XXXX or Spring XXXX semester, such as clinical rotations, student teaching or an internship?”.

  • If you answer “yes” to this question, you will need to send us a Letter from Advisor.

We require letters to

  • Include student’s full name
  • Include specific time frame of program (Fall and/or Spring)
  • Provide program description (nursing, student teaching, etc)
  • Include contact information of advisor
  • Be on school letterhead or emailed directly from advisor’s institution email.  

*If the Letter from Advisor is not listed as a required document in your account and the option to upload it to your account is not visible, this means you answered “no” to the question in section 4 of the application where you were asked if you would be enrolled in a special program. If you intended to answer “yes” and need special consideration, you will need to submit an application update request to fix your answer. Once we update your application, the option to upload will become visible.

Submission Instructions

Mail to

P.O. Box 3068, McAllen, Texas 78502


We accept the following files under 2MB size: PDF, PNG, JPG, GIF*
*Do not send links to download the document, we will not open them.
If you do not have the means to scan the document, it is also acceptable for you to take a picture of the document and send us the image.